How the World Cup 2026 will inform future design approaches

Those of you that have been following us for a while, will know that we’ve been working away behind the scenes on an exciting new project in Doha, Qatar. 

With the 2022 World Cup just around the corner, Qatar continues to undergo key infrastructure developments with new hotel and hospitality openings, to prepare the city for the influx of tourism that fall hand in hand with such large sporting events. Andaz Doha will open its doors with design and interiors inspired by a kaleidoscope of cultures… but more on that later!

Even on the eve of these upcoming matches in Doha, planning for the next 2026 World Cup event has already begun.  Fox Sport recently reported on which U.S. cities were most likely to be emerge as potential hosts for the next Cup. And out of that long list, our BR picks are two completely different cities that form a two-part series of design influenced by World Cup events.

In part one, we’re travelling to the underdog Nashville. Whilst Nashville may be the dark horse and not an expected host city, it is one of our favourite southern contenders, and we think has a real chance to be the next great international sports destination.

Our co-founder and co-owner Garrett Robbins has roots in the south. With family dating back generations to Alabama, Garrett knows more than anyone how incredibly warm and encompassing the southern culture can be.

Channelling Nashville’s warm, eccentric charm into hospitality design would truly make the global, local. Infused with the age-old customs that put family and friendship at the forefront, there is a level of easiness to this capital city, lending itself well to boutique and lifestyle hotel brands. From Hillsboro Village coffee houses to Green Hills luxury shopping to Downtown nightlife, the city offers picturesque neighborhoods with their own unique culture. And as the heart of the Country Music scene, Nashville is a city used to welcoming strangers with big dreams.

We see an opportunity here to anchor an easily-defined local experience inside a tailored interior space, all the while telling a common story for natives and visitors alike.

And since storytelling is embedded in the fundamentals of interior design, we can already see a bold narrative in Nashville. Common denominators like food, music and laughter bring people together, and make this city a leading contender for inspiring hospitality environments that would emerge from a potential World Cup event. 

What designer or architect wouldn’t want the chance to create a space that people long to repeat the way they replay their favorite love song? That’s why we at BR think Nashville could just sneak into people’s hearts as the next best place to watch soccer/football.